5 simple tips for curing acne right away!

Want a fast solution to your acne woes? Here are 5 quick tips for curing acne that you can apply immediately!

Whether you’re a 13 year old adolescent or a 31 year old adult – we all feel the same when we’ve an outbreak of acne!

Short of rushing off to buy an entire collection of the latest product that promises miracle cures, simply follow these 5 simple tips for curing acne right away.

Acne curing tip 1

Never manipulate your pimple or acne! I don’t know where the habit of squeezing pimples came from but if you do that, you’ll run the risk of spreading the bacteria over your whole face and your whole body.

Acne curing tip 2

Get an over the counter acne control product that contains benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide helps clear away dead skin cells, oil and bacteria that clog up the pore and blemishes your skin.

Acne curing tip 3

Never just apply your product on places where there is acne already. Apply them on acne-prone areas too! This can include the majority of your face, neck and even chest. This is an effective counter-measure to ensure that your condition doesn’t worsen.

Acne curing tip 4

Be gentle! Most face cleansers remove just the oil on the surface of your skin. They rarely go deep down to the plugged ducts. If you’re too aggressive in washing your skin, it may have a counter effect – irritating and drying your skin up in the process.

Acne curing tip 5

Watch out of iodine in your diet. Many dermatologists believe that too much iodine in your diet may encourage the outbreak of pimples and acne.